Mike Rosario also known as “Clarky” is an original Rock Dancer from East New York Brooklyn. In 1974 Clarky was introduced to the dance by going to “Sets.” Sets were parties that were thrown in basements. In these parties he would see dancers Rock against each other and this is where his inspiration for the dance started. In 1976 he moved to Bushwick Brooklyn where he met more dancers and continued to dance the Rock. With his experience in East New York and Bushwick he developed an individual technique and unique style for Rock dance. Clarky danced at block parties were he battled along side fellow dancers PBX, and Eddie.
Clarky has danced with various groups such as The Dynamic Spinners, Hard Rock and Dynasty Rockers. Within these travels he connected with many different dancers including Mr. Loose and Burn 1. Clarkie has participated as a judge and lecturer and is a choreographic consultant and performer with the VII Gems Rock Division NYC.
In April of 2009 Clarky was a Choreographic Consultant and Principle Dancer for the first traditional Rock Dance Theatrical performance entitled “Rockin It”. “Rockin It” toured the United Kingdom as part of Sadler Wells’ Breaking Convention Tour 2009, which included dance workshops, lectures and film screenings. He most recently was on a panel, taught workshops, and did a performance at the 10th Anniversary PRO-AM Hip Hop Convention in Las Vegas, NV, in March of 2010.